Where does most of our "stuff" come from? The camera and related gear that I use to capture these images came from somewhere. The clothes I wear, food that I eat and car that I drive all came from somewhere else. Sometime. Chances are that most of it didn't originate in Australia, instead navigating great oceans or falling from the sky to be here. To be with me. And you.
Like all great journeys, well successful ones anyway, there is a beginning and an end. Which brings us to Port Botany Freight Terminal. The beginning, the middle and the end of many trans-continental journeys. A hive of consumer-driven throughput chaos. A grand industrial gateway for the "stuff" of the world to pass en-route to our loungerooms, living spaces, garages and stomachs. 24–Seven–365. My Sony A7R probably came through here on arrival from Thailand, accompanied by 100 of its mates. But it picked me. I don't much care for the rest of them.
The freight terminal is a short ten minute drive from my home, I can see it off in the distance from my backyard. A wonderland of lights, billowing steam and massive industrial structures, silently shimmering on the horizon. A mirage of sorts. Drawing me in. A landscape that I will be happy to consume many times over.